Beverly Crusher тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Beverly Crusher? Beverly Crusher - это тип личности ISFJ в mbti, 2w3 - so/sp - 269 в Enneagram, RCOAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

In Season 5 Episode 16 ‘Ethics’, it may be seen how Beverly rigidly stands on established medical principles over out of the box thinking and not seeing the bigger picture. Lt. Worf, who preferred suicide over being invalid or partially disabled was the perfect voluntary candidate for Dr. Russell’s experimental treatment. But instead of seeing the medical breakthrough of Worf’s surgery which got him fully recovered, Dr. Crusher went on high moralizing against Dr. Russell for not having the method rather tested for years first for approval. This is why I vote Enneagram 2w1, as the above mentioned points to winged 1. Short video of Dr. Crusher vs Dr. Russell:


Телевидение символы аналогичны Beverly Crusher
