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Asuka Kazama тип личности MBTI

Asuka Kazama тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Asuka Kazama? Asuka Kazama - это тип личности ESTP в mbti, 8w7 - - 682 в Enneagram, SLUAN в Big 5, SEE в Socionics."

You'd think Asuka is Fe dom because she's mediates fights and breaks up conflict. But it all comes from a place of Se. She'll get into fights as much as she'll stop them. The Fe is there, but she's WAY too rude and confrontational to be an ESFJ. She loves the Se thrill of fighting for the sake of it. Even when she avenged her dad, she stays in the tornament "just for fun." Her Ti is used when she troubleshoots arguments or her own problems, and inferior Ni is for how she's reckless, hot headed and quick to jump to conclusions. Asuka is spunky but not always very bright. She could've been an interesting character. Now she's either Lili's doormat, or an angry pair of breasts that likes pointing and beating people up.


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