Harun Servet тип личности MBTI

Harun Servet тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Harun Servet? Harun Servet - это тип личности ENFP в mbti, 1w2 - - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

All his character is based on him being Ne-Fi , just because he cares about justice does not make him Fe dom! Also for him to be an ENFJ he needs to have Ni but he shows no Ni at all ! he's the epitome of Ne: always living in the moments and adapting with whatever life throws at him... Whenever his friend asks him what is he doing next or what will he do when something bad happens he always says "we'll worry about it when it happens" that's a very classic Ne dom answer! also all of his moral system is based on Fi on his personal views of right and wrong not on how society perceives it! ENFPS are very empathetic too, just because he's a very compassionate person and dad does not make him an ENFJ (My dad is an ENFJ he's very loving and a great dad but he's also very strict when ir comes to us doing something wrong...) He's an ENFP with 0 doubts!


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