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Yronica Ayala (The Mean Girl) тип личности MBTI

Yronica Ayala (The Mean Girl) тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Yronica Ayala (The Mean Girl)? Yronica Ayala (The Mean Girl) - это тип личности ESFJ в mbti, 3w2 - - 287 в Enneagram, в Big 5, ESE в Socionics."

She comes off as a Fe dom in her backstory. "Being the middle child, it was easy for her to be glanced over at home. Her older brother growing up quickly and her younger sister taking the rest of her parent’s time, she seemed to just fade away from their minds completely. Obviously they loved her. She knew that. But if they didn’t show it, did it even matter?" "Yronica knew that if she could just become the person they wanted her to be, maybe she’d matter a little more to them. Maybe they would finally recognize her as their child instead of someone who just lives in their house and occasionally eats dinner with them." "She only made it worse when she posted a private and humiliating video of her to help fit in with the new friends she had found." This seems very Fe, trying to fit in and be loved and appeal to them. I get that her general attitude seems like an ESTJ but I think if she was an ESTJ, she wouldn't really care about fitting in and try to be the best she can be, socially, intellectually, or whatever. Not to mentioned, her mean behaviour was a mask she soon grew into.


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