Miki Itō тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Miki Itō? Miki Itō - это тип личности ESFP в mbti, 2w3 - - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."


Miki Itō (born October 21, 1962) is a veteran seiyuu. She is well known for her Femme Fatale roles, many of them linked with robotics in one way or another. Although recently she has done the "switch-pigeonhole" and is now known for her Genki Girl and Cool Big Sis roles. Like other seiyuu who have voiced more than one character for When They Cry, Miki Itō should be watched closely. ESPECIALLY considering the characters in question. Not to be confused with the actress of the same name or fellow voice actress Miku Itou.

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