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Tsutsumi Inada тип личности MBTI

Tsutsumi Inada тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Tsutsumi Inada? Tsutsumi Inada - это тип личности INTP в mbti, 7w8 - - в Enneagram, SCUEI в Big 5, ILE в Socionics."

Definitely an xNTP type, that was shown by her eccentric quirks and behavior, but it's hard to tell whether she is extraverted or introverted, since there aren't many interactions shown with her, so it's really up for debate. But from what we are shown, she prefers to stick to her own group and doesn't do much outside of it, nor does she display much of her opinion out loud, she just does her own thing without helping or getting in the way of the group. So I'll go with INTP


The very, VERY perverted vice-president of the real Game Development Club. Apparently a freshman, like the other Game Development Club members. One of the more... "hotblooded" characters in the series.

Аниме и манга символы аналогичны Tsutsumi Inada
