Mrs. Primm тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Mrs. Primm? Mrs. Primm - это тип личности ISFJ в mbti, 1w9 - sp/so - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

Ni>Si?? Nope. Her character development is based on stopping being so strict and following routines to the letter. This is not to say that she stopped being strict, but she did learn when to be strict and when not to. she doesn't have any kind of impresive memory. Si: the individual perceives mostly stored memories of previous sensory experiences. Thus the person with dominant Introverted Sensing will experience something real time, but then they will quickly compare it to stored memories in their minds. She demonstrates this, she judged everything experienced according vision of things, which was extremely square. But why change? for her Fe. Fe is defined as a function that helps the individual to adapt to the situation without closing or rejecting it. She do it.


Step mom

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