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The Cottage Fairy тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является The Cottage Fairy? The Cottage Fairy - это тип личности INFP в mbti, - sp/sx - 946 в Enneagram, RLOAI в Big 5, EII в Socionics."

She is definitely an INFP i have seen her most of the videos and i can say that she is more INFP then INFJ She is clearly a healthy mature INFP - i can see fi dom in her she is so self aware About her that causes her so much insecurities in her past , those who are saying that she said that it's easy for her to please others even INFP are people pleasure i also become people pleasure because we care too much for others - her NE is quite clear to see do not replace it with NI there is too much difference you can easily see her NE can be seen in her creativity she always says that she is a daydreamer nd use to imagine a lot she lives in her fairy World and sometimes she can't even focus on the work she want to do, talking about future is also INFP INFJ thing -she is dreamy,open minded, and she struggle to socialize INFPs are more isolated then INFJ and in videos she talks about how she perceives the world


Makes youtube videos about her rural life in Washington (with a philosophical streak).

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