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  3. Friday Night Funkin’ (2020)

Steve (Background Character) тип личности MBTI

Steve (Background Character) тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Steve (Background Character)? Steve (Background Character) - это тип личности INTP в mbti, 5w6 - so/sp - 593 в Enneagram, SCOAN в Big 5, LII в Socionics."

You might be asking, "Where did Steve get all these votes?" Well uh, me. Anyway, to explain each, so 5 because Steve's a smart guy and he knows how to get stuff done logically (if you look at the TANKMEN series, he was able to turn the tank around against those raider guys and devise a plan that allowed him to get close with the raiders to stab them). He likes talking to Tankman (presumably) because of his intelligence and isn't seen talking to many other people for friendly reasons. sp 6 because, not only does he talk to Tankman for his intelligence, he's a damn fine leader, which sp 6's tend to be attuned to. Also, despite not seen talking to many other people, he is talked to by others, and he's quite friendly about (like that one scene where Steve informs Tankman of a fellow soldier having a child. He's quite happy about it.) 593 (5w6-9w8-3w2) because 5w6 is his main enneagram, 9w8 because he doesn't like confrontation and tries his best to avoid it, but doesn't mind having to be aggressive and controlling (confrontation with Dark Man is an example). 3w2 because he's an overall friendly guy and wants people to like him for what he does. LII because TiNeFiSe just makes sense for him. SCOAN is the same. LVFE because he knows how to calculate battle situations properly and can adjust the way he goes about attacking/defending in battle. 3F because he's scared his pp is gonna get shot, among other harm to his body, but mainly his pp. This leaves 4E because while he interacts often and is friendly, with most other people, he does not give two sh**s. Phlegmatic-Choleric since he's mainly chill and likes to accommodate to people but can of course become a sort of leader when necessary. (I think I went too far. Whoops.)


Видеоигры символы аналогичны Steve (Background Character)
