Mikiya тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Mikiya? Mikiya - это тип личности ENFJ в mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 387 в Enneagram, SCOEN в Big 5, EIE в Socionics."

“Maybe the idea of being a modern-day prince is a silly one… but that title means the world to me.” -Chapter 1 I’m not here to make a comment about Mikiya’s MBTI (He’s definitely high in extroverted judging, by the way. Perhaps once the manga gains more attention and more people will flock to his page I might install some argument.) rather, I want to argue for his E3ness, which is the consensus but nobody has written anything…. so why not? Mikiya’s personality, as displayed is that of a charming prince. He’s unbelievably image- focused, charismatic, the *prince* of *vanity* He fits so hard into the passion of “Deciet.” - constantly talking about how he works harder than everybody else to ensure his actual identity is never let out, hides the fact he is a killer with a facade of a prince, someone who accomplished getting the whole school to worship him. “Nothing beats the thrill of getting away with anything because I’m a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” This is an act he puts up from childhood to his death tricked by Saeyama. “With your mask peeled away, we can see your true colours… you phony prince.” Now onto the IV; “The Social Three has a desire to be seen and to have influence with people. This three acts out in vanity through the desire to shine before the whole world: Social Threes enjoy being on stage. This subtype is the most vain of the Threes, and the biggest chameleon.” “The Social Three is also the most aggressive of the Threes, possessing a strong and assertive character. Because they are good at numbing out their feelings, they can - in the extreme - be cold.” Fits Mikiya who is in fact very assertive and aggressive when his needs aren’t met. He becomes increasingly reactive… Example: Chapter 3, in hospital with Youichi. “I will go down in legend as a tragic prince!” -Before his death, chapter 4. For the 4 chapters he was in, enneagram 3 is the only option.


Also known as the prince, Mikiya is your charming high school boy, known for being kind hearted and intelligent. Beneath his cheery exterior, however, lies the ruthless heart of a cold blooded killer.

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