Ray Butani тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Ray Butani? Ray Butani - это тип личности ENFP в mbti, 2w3 - so/sx - 297 в Enneagram, SLOEI в Big 5, в Socionics."

I observe a misunderstanding on this platform about Fe vs. Fi, and Ray is a great example of this. Because he is caring and attentive (for example, making breakfast for David and Patrick while they are in bed,) he may seem to be an Fe user, but Fe is not about being attentive vs. ignorant! Fe manifests as empathy, knowing what someone feels without feeling it yourself, rather than sympathy, recognizing what someone else feels as something you have felt before. Both can result in attentiveness, but those with Fe are far more ATTUNED to the values of others. Ray clearly isn't attuned to the cues Patrick gives about what he values while in bed with his partner: privacy!! When Patrick makes this clear, Ray apologizes because he has sympathy, but it does not change his mood because he experiences emotions independent of external stimulation (Fi)! Also, the sheer amount of hobbies he amasses? And how he must turn EVERYTHING into a lucrative business?? That screams Ne-Te. He's an ENFP!


The town's multi-jobbed immigrant and former town councilor.

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