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Josh “Schmitty” Schmitstinstein тип личности MBTI

Josh “Schmitty” Schmitstinstein тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Josh “Schmitty” Schmitstinstein? Josh “Schmitty” Schmitstinstein - это тип личности в mbti, 7w8 - sp/so - 748 в Enneagram, RCUEI в Big 5, LSI в Socionics."

he is soooooooooooooo hot


Josh Schmitstinstein, known professionally as “Schmitty”, is the host of Lie Swatter and Quiplash. Schmitty is very reserved, but is also hellbent on making sure the rules go according to plan, and he does not take criticism well.

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