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Candace "Candy" Crush тип личности MBTI

Candace "Candy" Crush тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Candace "Candy" Crush? Candace "Candy" Crush - это тип личности ENFP в mbti, 2w3 - sx/so - 279 в Enneagram, SCUAN в Big 5, в Socionics."

Easily best girl. She is very cute and very scatterbrained (Ne dom moment). Correct me if it's stereotypes but you can pretty much infer her functions based on her baggage: "Intellectually challenged" ie spending another move on huge combos, most likely to get a certain point across to her, makes me think subconscious Ne at the very least. And I don't see how this trait would inherently make someone a sensor like what the ESFP votes to me are implying. "Hypersensitive" ...yeah, you know ENFP aux. Beyond that, she is very sweet (haha, like candy). I would imagine FiTe is best shown in her relationships with Abia and Lailani. To add on to Te, she seems competent at her stripper job and clearly knows what she's doing there. "Forgetful" particularly during the time span during dates - typical inf Si lol. There's that on top of not recognizing Polly (not as quickly as Polly recognized her, who is a much stronger Si user) until upon realization she notes that she looks very different (well, Polly may have overgone surgeries but I digress). Also, she really likes children's toys; there's definitely a consistent sense of cherishment for the past so Si has to be relevant somehow. Demon Se makes sense for her reckless indulgence in cocaine (I have to bring up that meeting scene with Nora haha; general obliviousness to her surroundings). I hope I've made it clear that I like her a lot. Bless her, I want nothing but the best for her.


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