Saotome тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Saotome? Saotome - это тип личности в mbti, 3w4 - sx/so - в Enneagram, RCOEI в Big 5, LIE в Socionics."

on ch.105, Saotome was very critical of the life Punpun lived. He expects people like him to be more like he is, and has unnecessarily unrealistic standards on other people. He's the type of person to be described as "If I was able to do this, why can't any of you" and so regards others as "losers" who have failed to succeed just like him. Even Sachi mentioned, "Saotome is ... well, He's a guy without any flaws. I partly admire him because of that aspect, but I also hate him for thayt aswell. Still, him taking his anger out of you was inexcusable" SX1s are known to be very critical of others, and the most expressive of their anger of all E1 subtypes. They rarely believe they're wrong, so they may not consider the other's perspective, which is exactly how Saotome is. He was an easy guy to spot as an sx1 in the manga, even after appearing only once. his character was very rigid.


The ex-husband of Sachi. He works in the TV industry. He worked hard to achieve his goals in life, and because of that, he despises all losers who do nothing but whine all the time.

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