Minato Kageaki тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Minato Kageaki? Minato Kageaki - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 6w5 - sp/sx - 614 в Enneagram, RCOEN в Big 5, LSI в Socionics."

Edit: Leaning towards sp6 for Enneagram. Places an emphasis on his loyalty to very specific people. I thought it was interesting that both Kageaki and Muramasa were both had their stubborn Si-Ne of being insistent that *they* would be the one to make the sacrifices while the other could just be a weapon. They had this awkwardness for 2+ years. But Kageaki was able to use inferior Ne before her, and be like "Wait why don't I just respect her opinion so we can bond and get stronger". Though it did help he experienced her back story.


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