Taketo Aida тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Taketo Aida? Taketo Aida - это тип личности ISTP в mbti, 9w8 - sp/sx - 593 в Enneagram, RCOEI в Big 5, ILI в Socionics."

I think he’s ISTP 5w6 but there’s not enough about him in the anime to type him out. His Ti is obvious how he analyzes Ilulu’s actions, while Tert Ni predicts her actions next. As for 5> 9, he seems more detached and analytical than someone who’s passive and peaceful (not saying 9s cant be detached or analytical, just 5 traits). Opinions subject to change as anime continues, maybe he is a 9 in the manga though.


Аниме и манга символы аналогичны Taketo Aida
