Jackie тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Jackie? Jackie - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 1w9 - sp/so - 162 в Enneagram, SLOAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

This girl acts like an ISFJ stereotype, I know, but in reality this is an Ni dom with an HUGE Se inferior. Ni: Have you ever watched that episode when she writes down a dance chorography? She imagined the steps in her head and saw them in front of her and then wrote them down (Ni!!!). Also, she is always the one who imagines the possibilities for her future and she is NOT thinking about the past, Ni>Si. She has this clear view of how she could be a dancer, but her Fe doesn’t alow her to take action and the Fe fu**s it up for her. Fe: I think the Fe is pretty obvious, she follows what will satisfy other people rather than her own feelings and beliefs. Every decision she made in her life was based on her parents needs. Ti: This girl had a clear tert Ti as well! When she was stuck in the chattroom with her friends in the beggining of the series, she used her own logic to describe where she thought they were, in cyber space! (I also saw high Ni in this scene when she saw in front of herself the future the friends would have by finding cyber space) Se: She is totally inf Se, this girl can't live in the moment for one second and literally messes up every practical thing she has to do. I remember one episode when Emma and Ally took her on a day off from her stress, trying to make her forget about homework and stuff and just live in the moment, but she couldn't! As I said she isn't very practical either, she let Ally's horse out in the middle of nowhere becuase she didn't notice her surroundings! I'm so bad at describing since my first language isn't english and so on but I hope you understand lmao ;) Also I think she’s Phlegmatic-Melancholic? But not sure tho, and 1w2 rather than 1w9.


Телевидение символы аналогичны Jackie
