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Professor Percival Pointer тип личности MBTI

Professor Percival Pointer тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Professor Percival Pointer? Professor Percival Pointer - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 3w2 - - 739 в Enneagram, в Big 5, ILE в Socionics."

His main goal on the game is pretty materialistic which gave me Se vibes at first, but I don't see possible that he has Ni inferior. It's also very normal for ENTPs type 3 to have more Se vibes or materialistic needs than other ENTPs. Also, kind of unsure if he's 3w2 or 3w4. Edit: After seeing again many of his dialogues and specially outside of who he pretends to be, it seems rather difficult for him to be Ne dom and Si inf (for example, when he's talking about what he was doing the day before the murder, he talks about going for his routine walk that he does everyday, which doesn't match inf Si behaviour). I would say ESTJ matches him well enough. He also seems to work with more Te, based on how he responds to many "proof" that you can show him, which he has a similar reaction to Hawkshaw, disregarding many of what Grimoire considers proof as non-sense and too random.


Professor Percival Pointer is the patriarch of the Pointer family who resides in Tangle Tower. He is as obsessed with astronomy as he is with outdoing the Fellows, all of whom he greatly dislikes, though he seems to have a mutual disdain for Felix in particular. He is the uncle of Penny and the father of Poppy. He appears in Tangle Tower as a suspect in the Murder of Freya Fellow. Professor Pointer likes to feel superior. He resents the Fellow family as a whole, especially Felix. Maybe because the Fellows hold the hereditary claim to Tangle Tower. This is indicated to be his motivation for his research on the golden beetle, as the ability to breed gold would make him infinitely wealthy.

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