Four тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Four? Four - это тип личности ENFP в mbti, 6w7 - so/sx - 649 в Enneagram, SLUAI в Big 5, IEE в Socionics."

world's unhealthiest ENFP 3w4 386. Four shows a lot of Ne alternative possibilities, thinking of all the "what ifs" that exist in his mind, and channeling that into a Fi that really does only care about his needs and seldom anybody else's. four does not tend to exist in the "here and now" physical presence, instead jumping from idea to idea to idea, such as his debut where he suddenly thought of every single thing that COULD be square, completely sidetracked from whatever else he may have been thinking of. he also often misunderstands what is expected of him "in the moment", such as in hide and seek or square club where he does the exact opposite of what is expected of him. his Fi shows a lot, but in the unhealthiest ways possible. he is very reliant on his own internal harmony and feelings; everything he likes circles back to him, because he only likes squares, and he is a square, so obviously he loves squares because he loves himself. his pet is a square, his friends are square, literally every single thing four owns MUST be square... it's all extremely dependent on his own feelings, exactly what he wants, and nobody else's. this is also why i think he's a 3w4, as everything MUST connect back to him and him specifically; even when he first met nine, he figured nine himself should also have four's numberling, as that must be what all squares have. he didn't even consider one hundred of all numbers impressive before he realized that she's also a square. he got mad in the three threes at the very concept of a nonsquare helping him get his kite back, as only squares could possibly be good, riiiiight? his Fi+Te also combine into him acting very mean when this selfish version of quote unquote "harmony" is supposedly threatened, shown by him harassing three throughout his entire debut just because they said something that wasn't very nice to him. four is what the world revolves around, after all, so how dare three ever express that they may want to be the bigger one? his targeting is also Fi-oriented, preferring to insult their personality by implying they are "unstable" or a "no-go" in vague ways by comparing them to objects that now represent three, showing his inferior Si. he variously continues to target three throughout the rest of the show as well, such as in episodes like three little pigs where he blew three apart for no good reason or in divide & drive where he almost hit three with his go-kart and only brought up his own go-kart track when three was upset, having no remorse for further breaking them down. he of course also found the numberblobs mocking them in your turn very funny. his inferior Si is so weak, he doesn't even seem to remember why he keeps targeting three to begin with, as he makes no mention of his debut in land of the giants while he was in forty's body. he is so tied up in thinking that the world must revolve around him in particular, he even got mad at a rectangle for NOT being a square in flatland before the rectangle even spoke, which thankfully got shot down by the smarter and more observant individual next to him. all these factors are also why i think his second tritype fix would be 8, specifically 8w7; when his precious ego is even gently tapped, he must retaliate as soon as possible to conserve his control. his selfish Fi+Si do sometimes show a more sensitive individual who feels threatened when things aren't going as expected; round things must be the opposite of squares, which are the opposite of him, so these are terrifying objects that he cannot see! he's a square, so squares are perfect, but oh no, nobody else seems to be square, that means he's literally the only square in the world and nobody else is like him, which is a sin! he wants some form of security and keeping things exactly how they are, so i believe that's why his tritype would end in 6, specifically 6w7, to ensure the world is exactly like him (square) and how he specifically wants it to be.


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