Two тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Two? Two - это тип личности INFP в mbti, 9w8 - sx/so - 926 в Enneagram, RLUAI в Big 5, IEI в Socionics."

Two is a very big Fi dom. He is very focused on his own internal harmony, making sure to be there for specifically the people he cares about, most notably One. His care is very personalized as well. He also feels very Ne; he doesn't seem to have much physical awareness of what goes on, which also leads to him relying on certain other people for their reactions, such as in The Whole of Me. Balancing Bridge is an example of his Ne showing; while he doesn't process the initial issue with his plan, he's able to quickly realize another way to help save Twelve. His song at the beginning of About Time is even a really blatant example of how his Ne focuses on other possibilities rather than the physical situation at hand, boosted by his Fi caring about One. Side note: Two lacks Ti and his inferior Te runs on hopes and prayers. His teritary Si seems to have a hard time keeping up with any information to begin with(he forgot how his Numberling looked...), but even without memory, he seems to lack an understanding of how to properly complete tasks to begin with. He had the upper hand in the tic-tac-toe puzzle in Three's debut and completely threw it, he literally watched Three put the apple under the yellow cup and still picked the orange cup in One, Two, Three!, and literally all of his behavior throughout About Time is the opposite of logical OR efficient. He doesn't really understand much at all. I believe Two is 9w8/926. He seems to have a want for peace and going with what other people already asked for, such as in Mirror Mirror where he constantly worries about the fact Three is going against what One asked of him. His w8 is weak, but does show in some moments; an example is when later in the same episode, he literally forced everybody into a closet just so One would not see what just happened. A healthier example of him being a 9 is in Making Friends, where he tries to mediate the Numberblocks and Alphablocks so they can be friends, often changing the topic when fights start and worrying when they break out to begin with. Second number being 2 probably doesn't need much more explanation. He cares about One a lot and wants to be there for her, and does want to help his other friends as well. Two seems to crave some sort of security, which is why I think his third number is a 6. He doesn't like when things go wrong and it greatly worries him. He does also have a sense of loyalty, again shown in him being there for characters like One.


Мультфильмы символы аналогичны Two
