Unmei тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Unmei? Unmei - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 593 в Enneagram, RCOEI в Big 5, SLI в Socionics."

Arguments for ISTJ, since for me this is her type. But first, why INTP? Where would she have any Ti-Ne demonstrations? On the contrary, Unmei has already shown no sense in subjectivity or abstraction since the first episode. "why have humans dedicated so much of their motivation and technique just to replenish their energy?" This is Unmei's comment after trying different foods. She used all of her past sensory experiences from when she ate to reach this doubt, as she cannot clearly see why something objective like eating and replenishing energy can inhabit so much subjectivity. It is a Si-Te valorization focused on the objective and Ne devaluation without aiming at the abstraction or possibilities of the situation. "My only disappointment is this hole, what would be the reason for allowing such a failure?" (comment directed at a donut) Again, Si-Te valuation and devaluation of the abstraction that would come with Ni or Ne. Si-Te and Ne inf makes her uninterested in looking beyond her own experiences, so the "hole" in the middle where she is objectively refueling can only be a failure. Unmei demonstrates too much Te not to be in its stack of functions. All that was shown so far (ep 2) about her in the anime was her direction to the logical external goal, because according to her it is the goal of her life. More Si-Te demonstration, as it seems to be more related to its roots than anything else, Unmei knows it exists for this goal, to annihilate the D2's, and is completely aimed at it. It is objective knowledge>subjective knowledge, it is Te>Ti.


Аниме и манга символы аналогичны Unmei
