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Obi Edolasim "Seer" тип личности MBTI

Obi Edolasim "Seer" тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Obi Edolasim "Seer"? Obi Edolasim "Seer" - это тип личности ISFP в mbti, 4w5 - sx/so - 495 в Enneagram, RCUAI в Big 5, IEI в Socionics."

Initially I did believe he was an Ni-dom. He does speak of change and destiny a great deal. But it's clear he's more aesthetically inclined, than forward-thinking. His top skins are very visually creative as well, I know it's a stereotype for an Artist to be IXFP, but it's pretty much cemented in Seer's case. All his abilities are visually detailed and confusingly beautiful.


In 2708, an asteroid struck the moon of Boreas, decimating it. At this same moment, Obi Edolasim was born. The people of Boreas saw this, as well as his chilling blue eyes, as a bad omen, and branded Edolasim as a cursed child. He grew up in loneliness, but he was greatly loved by his parents, who unconditionally cared for his creativity and outlook. During his youth, Edolasim learned dance from his mother and technology from his father.

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