Seven тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Seven? Seven - это тип личности ENFP в mbti, 7w8 - sp/so - 739 в Enneagram, SCUAI в Big 5, SEE в Socionics."

Blatant ENFP; Seven does not have Se. While he loves his rainbows and is very playful, he seems to lack physical awareness that somebody with high Se or Si may have a better time grasping. Think of episodes like Seventeen; while he is concerned for Three and wants to help him, it takes him a while to really pay attention to the actual situation at hand and not just the museum... let alone noticing that there's anything amiss to begin with. Another example is The Two Tree; he is easily tricked by Six throwing the dice to distract him, also showing his Ne. Seven's Ne shows a lot. He often seems to just go with the flow on everything, not seeming to care much what happens in the physical world. This also leads to a lot of interesting thought processes, like his rainbow names in Ten Again. His focus on luck in general also feels very Ne; he doesn't know HOW things will go right, just that they will. Goes with the flow, open to a bunch of possibilities. He also shows a lot of Fi. Seven is very focused on his own internal harmony, enjoying the world around him and caring about his friends. He does his own thing just because he can, really. No other logic to it. I vote 7w6/749; 7 dom is very blatant, he always loves doing fun things, especially if they have to do with rainbows. I believe 7w6 over 7w8 because he does get more upset in the cases he actually isn't lucky, such as in Octoblock to the Rescue. He does also have doubt about some things as well, such as in Seventeen when he questioned Three's plan. I think 4 would be second in tritype because he seems to enjoy life for what it is. He loves the others around him and he loves what the world provides. I think 9 would be third because he honestly seems conflict avoidant? He doesn't ever really talk about his issues, such as in The Two Tree where he comforted Six despite the fact she literally tricked him. He also seems reluctant to question his friends, again going back to Seventeen where he ultimately went through with Three's plan despite seeing flaws with it. This isn't such a major part of him like the other two numbers imply, but relevant regardless.


Мультфильмы символы аналогичны Seven
