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  2. Мультфильмы
  3. Inside Job

J.R. Scheimpough тип личности MBTI

J.R. Scheimpough тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является J.R. Scheimpough? J.R. Scheimpough - это тип личности ESTJ в mbti, 3w4 - sp/so - 378 в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

"He was the idea guy, and I was the 'keep the idea guy out of jail' guy". This ******* had what he deserved for shooting Reagan's finger. I don't think this guy has Se or inferior Si anywhere on his stack. He keeps things between him and Rand grounded, and Rand is the one with the craziest ideas, which comes from his dominant Ne. He seems to be a way less strict and personally causes most of the trouble that Reagan's team needs to face. "Guys, new mission. I accidentally fucked up and sent the reptoids a stupid meme mocking their culture and now we've got ALL to go and be social in a reptoid gala to prove that Cognito is trustworthy again." J.R also never made a single decision based on Fi or Fe. All he did was to restore the original timeline, by any means necessary, and this becomes obsessive of him until the last episode.


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