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  3. Early Islamic Figures

Ilyas (Elijah), Islamic Prophet тип личности MBTI

Ilyas (Elijah), Islamic Prophet тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Ilyas (Elijah), Islamic Prophet? Ilyas (Elijah), Islamic Prophet - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 6w5 - - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."


Ilyas (Arabic: إلياس‎ or إليا; Ilyas/Elyas or Ilya) is also mentioned as a prophet in Qur'an 6:85. 's narrative in the Quran and later Muslim tradition resembles closely that in the Hebrew Bible and Muslim literature records Ilyas's primary prophesying as taking place during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel as well as Ahaziah. He is seen by Muslims to be the prophetic predecessor to Elisha. While neither the Bible nor the Quran mentions the genealogy of Ilyas, some scholars of Islam believe he may have come from the priestly family of the prophet Harun. Ilyas is rarely associated with Islamic eschatology and Islam views Issa (Jesus) as the Messiah. However, Ilyas is expected to come back along with the mysterious figure known as Khidr during the Last Judgment. Ilyas's figure has been identified with a number of other prophets and saints, including Idriss, which is believed by some scholars to have been another name for Ilyas, and Khidr.

Религия знаменитость похожа на Ilyas (Elijah), Islamic Prophet
