The Pupil тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является The Pupil? The Pupil - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

ISTJ - "If Fi-tert interferes with Te-aux, the person can concoct faulty moral reasons for why they should stick to their beliefs at all costs. The result is manipulative or unproductive behavior, causing self-inflicted disappointment & withdrawal. They may seem individualistic or principled (mistaken for Fi-Dom), but it’s more like narrow-mindedness, greatly oversimplifying moral issues into crude B & W judgments (the higher Te), to become self-serving & insensitive (unlike Fi-Dom)" INFP - "If Si-tert interferes with Ne-aux, the person can get stuck in their old comfort zones or rely only on past knowledge/experience. The result is doubting or stubborn judgments that lead to self-inflicted pessimism or stagnation. They may seem reserved or proper, (mistaken for Si-Dom), but it has an obsessive undercurrent. They compulsively fuss over trivial details, misinterpret physical discomfort & irrationally magnify painful past experiences, (unlike Si-Dom) which gets projected as negative future possibilities (the higher Ne)" Pick one, I guess.


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