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  3. Nimona

Nimona тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Nimona? Nimona - это тип личности ESFP в mbti, 8w7 - so/sp - 874 в Enneagram, SLUEI в Big 5, в Socionics."

I don't see why Nimona is an Ne-dom, she doesn't seem to consider the possibilities when acting, she just takes it at face value! Like... not even her transformations seem to prove any Ne, she just figures out what's most practical at the time and adapts to her environment. This will sound highly stereotypical, but she seems to show Ni-inferior in how she just dashes in without considering future consequences of her actions! Probably an ESXP! Now... I'm a little torn if she uses Fi-Te or Ti-Fe though. I guess I'd go with Fi-Te since I don't really see any Fe in Nimona, Fi seeks to remain in harmony with the subject, rather than the object, and considering that Te tends to prioritize arriving at conclusions as quickly as possible, I believe Fi-Te may fit her better! However, I may be wrong and ESTP is also a real possibility.


The eponymous young shapeshifter who aspires to be a supervillain and has convinced Lord Ballister Blackheart to take her on as his squire. While quick-thinking and innovative with her powers, she is disturbingly destructive and impulsive.
