Flavius Josephus тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Flavius Josephus? Flavius Josephus - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 6w5 - sp/so - 631 в Enneagram, в Big 5, IEI в Socionics."

He's a clear ISTJ, in my opinion. The guy was a walking encyclopedia of Jewish history and tradition (Dominant Si; Auxiliary Te)—and though his writings are very detail-oriented, Josephus was a passionate writer (Tertiary Fi). This especially shows in "Against Apion" where he makes a defense of Judaism against certain derogatory claims.


Titus Flavius Josephus (Jerusalem, c. 37-Rome? C. 100) was a Pharisee Jewish historian, descendant of a family of priests. A man of action, statesman and diplomat, he was one of the leaders of the Jewish rebellion against the Romans. Caught and transferred to Rome, he became a favorite of the Flavian imperial family. In Rome he wrote in Greek his best-known works: The Jewish War, Jewish Antiquities, Autobiography and Against Apion. Considered a traitor to the Jewish cause and hated by the Jews, his work was preserved by the Romans and Christians.

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