Miss Saeki тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Miss Saeki? Miss Saeki - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 6w5 - - 694 в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

ISFJ? She writes a symbolic and surreal song at the age of 19. After the death of a loved one, she flees her past, travels alone through half of Japan and writes a book about people who have survived a lightning strike. Wouldn't that be more like Ni instead of Si? “You sit at the edge of the world, I am in a crater that’s no more. Words without letters Standing in the shadow of the door. The moon shines down on a sleeping lizard, Little fish rain down from the sky. Outside the window there are soldiers, Steeling themselves to die. Kafka sits in a chair by the shore, Thinking of the pendulum that moves the world, it seems. When your heart is closed, The shadow of the unmoving Sphinx, Becomes a knife that pierces your dreams. The Drowning girl’s fingers Search for the entrance stone, and more. Lifting the hem of her azure dress, She gazes– At Kafka on the shore.” . . . Oshima: "She's not an ordinary person." Kafka: "What does that mean?" Oshima: "Simply put, she doesn't think in conventional terms."


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