Ghilley тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Ghilley? Ghilley - это тип личности INTP в mbti, 7w6 - - 974 в Enneagram, SCUAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

He is 9w1. Unhealthy 9s are pretty passive and stubborn while unhealthy 7s more likely to seek stimulation and are rebellious. When you look at the personal past story, he surely is type 9. His passive aggression toward Cain. And even in the farewell letter(ikr) he told the manager to forget him, which is what type 9s are likely do: erase oneself. (Btw I believe his silentwalkin is kinda similar to that also) type 9s dont think they worth to bother others so they erase their real desire(in this case, of course he wanted manager to remember him.). And he is pretty sx. At the valentine event, manager thought his eyes were very catchy ok well idk how to explain this.


Видеоигры символы аналогичны Ghilley
