Less Than Zero (1985) тип личности MBTI

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Less Than Zero (1985)

Less Than Zero (1985)

Less Than Zero is the debut novel of Bret Easton Ellis, published in 1985. It was his first published effort, released when he was 21 years old and still a student at Bennington College. 'Set in Los Angeles in the early 1980's, this coolly mesmerizing novel is a raw, powerful portrait of a lost generation who have experienced sex, drugs, and disaffection at too early an age, in a world shaped by casual nihilism, passivity, and too much money a place devoid of feeling or hope.'

Тип личности Less Than Zero (1985) символов

Какие символы Less Than Zero (1985) вы и какие символы лучше всего подходят для вас на основе типа личности MBTI?

Тип личности Less Than Zero (1985) актеров

Что такое личность типа Less Than Zero (1985) актеров? Do Less Than Zero (1985) У актеров есть тот же тип личности, что и их персонажи.

Тип личности Less Than Zero (1985) Создателей

Какие личности создали Less Than Zero (1985)?
