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Ranger's Apprentice (Series) тип личности MBTI

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Ranger's Apprentice (Series)

Ranger's Apprentice (Series)

Ranger's Apprentice is a series written by Australian author John Flanagan. The first novel in the series, The Ruins of Gorlan, was released in Australia on 1 November 2004. The books were initially released in Australia and New Zealand, though have since been released in 14 other countries. The series follows the adventures of Will, an orphan who is chosen as an apprentice Ranger, skilled trackers, archers and warriors in the service of the King of Araluen. Will strives to keep the Kingdom of Araluen safe from invaders, traitors, and threats.

Тип личности Ranger's Apprentice (Series) символов

Какие символы Ranger's Apprentice (Series) вы и какие символы лучше всего подходят для вас на основе типа личности MBTI?

Тип личности Ranger's Apprentice (Series) актеров

Что такое личность типа Ranger's Apprentice (Series) актеров? Do Ranger's Apprentice (Series) У актеров есть тот же тип личности, что и их персонажи.

Тип личности Ranger's Apprentice (Series) Создателей

Какие личности создали Ranger's Apprentice (Series)?
