AB5C Duo Types MBTI Personality Type
What is the personality type of your favorite characters from AB5C Duo Types?
AB5C Duo Types
AB5C are experimental''pattern types" from the Big5 personality model. They are based on your two strongest traits.
Personality Type of AB5C Duo Types Characters
Which AB5C Duo Types characters are you and which characters best fit you based on MBTI personality type?
Personable type (SXXAX)
Domineering type (SXXEX)
Humble type (RXXAX)
Impulsive type (SXUXX)
Individualistic type (XXXEI)
Fanciful/Imaginative type (XXUXI)
Sensitive type (XLXXI)
Persistent type (XCOXX)
Tolerant type (XXXAI)
Distant type (RXXEX)
Narrow-minded type (XXXEN)
Immature type (XXUXN)
Conventional type (XXOXN)
Cultured type (XXOXI)
Scattered type (XLUXX)
Carefree type (XCUXX)
Fussy type (XLOXX)
Gullible type (XXXAN)
Unemotional type (XCXEX)
Pleasant type (XCXAX)