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Puella Magi ☆ Midori Magica (Series) MBTI Personality Type

What is the personality type of your favorite characters from Puella Magi ☆ Midori Magica (Series)?

Puella Magi ☆ Midori Magica (Series)

Puella Magi ☆ Midori Magica (Series)

A fan story set in the same universe as Mahou Shoujo Madoka ★ Magica (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) featuring completely new characters and some new universe mechanics. Written by nednilclan, petalssilversteam and glados10 on Scratch or nedyku, petalssilversteam and ekhklocation on toyhou.se. ☆ Helpful links ☆ ● TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrcyVQaOrkg ● TOYHOU.SE PROFILES: https://toyhou.se/~world/17616.puella-magi-midori-magica/characters ● DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/9xmJwj4 ● DEVIANTART GROUP: https://www.deviantart.com/midori-magica ● MADOKA MAGICA: http://madokamagicausa.com/ ● NED'S TOYHOUSE: https://www.deviantart.com/nedyku ● PETALS'S TOYHOUSE: https://deviantart.com/petalssilversteam ● EKHO'S TOYHOUSE: https://toyhou.se/ekholocation

Personality Type of Puella Magi ☆ Midori Magica (Series) Casts

What is personality type of Puella Magi ☆ Midori Magica (Series) casts? Do Puella Magi ☆ Midori Magica (Series) casts have the same personality type as their characters.

Personality Type of Puella Magi ☆ Midori Magica (Series) Creators

Which personalities created Puella Magi ☆ Midori Magica (Series)?
