FunkinHS MBTI Personality Type
What is the personality type of your favorite characters from FunkinHS?
FunkinHS is a web serie parody made by Raybunny18 and Dapanduh based from the stereotype of High School but with characters from Newgrounds (Mostly from Friday Night Funkin)
Personality Type of FunkinHS Characters
Which FunkinHS characters are you and which characters best fit you based on MBTI personality type?
Sarvente Lucifer
Nate Whitmore (Whitty)
Terrance (Tricky)
Agoti Andromeda
Ian Buckland (Red Kight)
Lemon D'mon
Elena Guerra
Mark Steven
Ruvyzat Nikolai (Ruv)
Jhonny (Tankman)
Eddmund Meat (Meat Boy)
Roxxane Shanon (Bandage Girl)
Madeline Phantom (Moony)
Hank J. Wimbleton
Kasseto Ukiyo (Cassete Girl)
Josh Bor (Green Knight)
Dan Knight (Blue Knight)
Mike Baez (Orange Knight)
April Hawkster (Pink Knight)
Personality Type of FunkinHS Casts
What is personality type of FunkinHS casts? Do FunkinHS casts have the same personality type as their characters.
Personality Type of FunkinHS Creators
Which personalities created FunkinHS?