High Kick! (2006) MBTI Personality Type

What is the personality type of your favorite characters from High Kick! (2006)?

High Kick! (2006)

High Kick! (2006)

A sitcom comedy first aired iN South Korea in 2006. The story takes place in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, Minyong and Shin-Ji officially divorced, Shin-Ji left the child at home and went to study in Russia, while rent her and Minyong's house to her high school classmate Minjung. Minyong so have to live in his parents' house silently. After Shin-Ji was stole in Russia and become penniless, she finally return Korea helplessly, live with Minjung. These things made Moonhee became her grandchild's nanny.....Meanwhile, a family full of mystery became the neighbor of Lee family, the daughter of this family gradually attracted Minho. Minyong, who could not bear his sister-in-law's violation of his privacy, often waged an unstoppable war with her. New teacher of Pungpa high school - Minjung gradually fell in love with friends Shin-Ji's ex-husband Minyong, while Yoonho fell in love with his teacher Minjung...

Personality Type of High Kick! (2006) Casts

What is personality type of High Kick! (2006) casts? Do High Kick! (2006) casts have the same personality type as their characters.

Personality Type of High Kick! (2006) Creators

Which personalities created High Kick! (2006)?
