SchoolGirls Simulator MBTI Personality Type
What is the personality type of your favorite characters from SchoolGirls Simulator?
SchoolGirls Simulator
Personality Type of SchoolGirls Simulator Characters
Which SchoolGirls Simulator characters are you and which characters best fit you based on MBTI personality type?
Player (Vote your type)
Tomoka Itoh/Satoshi Itoh #3 (Protagonist)
Rina li #1
Bad girl #66
Misaki Ogawa #48
Reimu #63
Asato Kurokawa #15
Chiharu Imazu #7
Sawako Makino #40
Yukiho Tamura #4
Akira Yoshimura #45
Maina Uehara #44
Hitomi Tozaki #10
Chieko Amano #71
Chiho Sano #43
Mika Chonan #42
Misae Nisihara #12
Tomoko Kuroda #57
Kumiko Abe #21
Personality Type of SchoolGirls Simulator Casts
What is personality type of SchoolGirls Simulator casts? Do SchoolGirls Simulator casts have the same personality type as their characters.
Personality Type of SchoolGirls Simulator Creators
Which personalities created SchoolGirls Simulator?