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  3. Pokémon Type

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Dragon Type ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Dragon Type เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ENTJ ใน mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - 835 ใน Enneagram, RLOEI ใน Big 5, SLE ใน Socionics"

(Remembered about doing those again but now I'm doing it in another account for organizational purposes) Notable dragon type trainer's typology (according to their pdb consensus) • Lance: ENTJ 1w2 so/sp 137 LIE Chol-San • Clair: ESTJ 3w4 so/sx 386 SLE Chol [Dom] • Drake: ENTJ 8w9 sp/so 853 LIE Chol-Phleg • Drayden: ENTJ 3w2 sp/so 387 EIE Chol [Dom] • Iris: ESFP 7w8 so/sx 782 EIE San-Phleg • Drasna: ENFJ 2w3 so/sx 271 ESE San-Phleg • Zinnia: INFJ 6w5 sp/sx 684 SEE San-Mel • Ryuki: ESTP 7w8 sx/sp 738 EIE San-Chol • Raihan: ENTP 3w2 sx/so 387 ILE San [Dom] 》Most common four letter type: ENTJ 》Most common cognitive function axis: Te-Fi, Se-Ni 》Most common ennea-type: 3w2 (appeared three times as the core type and six times as a fix) 》Most common tritype fixes: 3 (heart), 7 (mind), 8 (body) 》Most common instinctual variants: so/sx 》Most common socionics: EIE 》Most valued socionics functions: Se-Ni, Fe-Ti 》Most common Temperament: Choleric > Sanguine > Phlegmatic > Melancholic 》Final typology: ENTJ 3w2 so/sx 387 EIE Choleric-Sanguine This was just made for fun and I'm pretty sure that most of this consensus are not absolutely correct tbh but this is just a dumb analysis


A group based on dragons and similar monsters from around the world. They are among the most elusive types, usually only appearing in secluded areas. As such, they are the third-rarest type. Their elusiveness is often related to their power, and some of the strongest and most dangerous Pokémon in the series are Dragon-type. This power, combined with their mysteriousness, makes them very well-regarded in some circles. Dragon is a popular type for Legendaries. While the Dragon type covers most dragonlike Pokémon, there are a few dragonlike species that lack the typing but have similar properties and movepools; conversely, not all Dragon-type Pokémon are based on animals that can be classified as (or even resemble) dragons. The existence of Regidrago, a being made of "dragon energy", suggests that the Dragon type comes from moves or Pokémon having properties of said energy rather than strictly whether their design basis is draconic (though they coincide in most cases). Offensively, they are only super effective against themselves, are resisted by only Steel-types, and completely ineffective against Fairy-types. They don't need to hit super-effectively to make it hurt. They resist Water, Grass, Fire, and Electric, but are weak to Ice and Fairy, giving them some nice defensive applications. In the Trading Card Game, Dragon-type Pokémon were originally part of the Colorless energy type, but the Dragon Vault special set turned them into their own card type. However, there is no corresponding Dragon-type Basic Energy card, and no Pokémon uses Dragon Energy to attack.
