{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI
"Enneagram Subtype 9w1 ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Enneagram Subtype 9w1 เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ISFJ ใน mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 926 ใน Enneagram, RCUAN ใน Big 5, SEI ใน Socionics"
Statistics are based on a sample size of 8000 profiles in pdb. Percentage represent the proportion of that type being type 9w1. ESTJ - <0.01% ESFJ - 10.47% ISTJ - 3.48% ISFJ - 30.01% ENTP - 0.41% ENFP - 5.05% INTP - 6.32% INFP - 26.01% ESTP - 0.07% ESFP - 0.38% ISTP - 0.45% ISFP - 10.82% ENTJ - 0.05% ENFJ - 5.08% INTJ - 0.81% INFJ - 13.91% Big Five Left Percentage represent the proportion 9w1 types having that big five while the right percentage represent the proportion of all of the enneagram types having that big five Social - 24.91% : 52.22% Calm - 63.62% : 52.63% Organized - 58.73% : 50.43% Agreeable - 95.33% : 52.10% Inquisitive - 61.90% : 62.66% Rco|A|n
THE NINE WITH A ONE-WING: THE DREAMER Healthy people of this subtype are imaginative and creative, often able to synthesize different schools of thought or points of view into a vision of an ideal world. They are particularly good at nonverbal forms of communication (art, instrumental music, dance, sports, or work with animals and nature) and can thrive in large institutions. They are typically friendly and reassuring but have a distinct sense of purpose. especially about their ideals. They often make good therapists, counselors, or ministers, balancing nonjudgmental listening with the desire to be of help to others. They want external order as a way of giving order to their internal world. Average people of this subtype tend to get caught up in nonessential activities and busy-ness. They can be energetic but in a detached and uninvolved way that interferes with their ability to stay with long-range goals or to enlist others in joining them. They are less adventurous and more reserved than 9w8s, expressing anger with restraint and smoldering indignation. They are also concerned with respectability and often feel morally superior to different classes, cultures, and lifestyles. There may be a puritanical streak to them, as well as a prim and proper, perfectionistic quality to their personal style.