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{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Borzoi ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Borzoi เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ INFP ใน mbti, 4w5 - sp/sx - 495 ใน Enneagram, RLUAI ใน Big 5, IEI ใน Socionics"

The borzoi is an athletic and independent breed of dog. Most borzois are fairly quiet, barking on rare occasions. They do not have strong territorial drives and cannot be relied on to raise the alarm upon sighting a human intruder. The borzoi requires patient, experienced handling. They are gentle and highly sensitive dogs with a natural respect for humans, and as adults they are decorative couch potatoes with remarkably gracious house manners. Borzois do not generally display dominance or aggression towards people Typically, they are rather reserved with strangers but affectionate with people they know well. Their sensitivity to invasion of their personal space can make them nervous around children unless they are brought up with them. Borzois adapt well to suburban life, provided they have a spacious yard and regular opportunities for free exercise. Independent nature, which conflicts with the frequent confusion between the concepts of "intelligence" and "obedience" in discussions of canine brainpower Coren's test, however, was by his own admission heavily weighted towards the "obedience" interpretation of intelligence and based on a better understanding of "working" breeds than hounds. Unfortunately, the publicity given to this report has led to unfair denigration of breeds which are under-represented in obedience clubs and poorly understood by the average obedience


Borzoi dogs are large hounds native to Russia with deep chests, narrow limbs, and smooth, long fur. A dignified dog bred as regal members of the Russian aristocracy, the Borzoi has long been considered one of the most beautiful breeds. Though these elegant sighthounds are agreeable and calm, their impressive speed was historically used to hunt wolves. Borzois have the ability to run at 35 to 40 miles an hour—which isn’t surprising since underneath their luxurious silky coat is the ancient blood of the Greyhound. Today, Borzois are affectionate and loyal family pets that possess both strength and style. Like the Greyhound, the Borzoi has a very even-tempered, calm, and quiet personality with gentle and elegant mannerisms. Though they make loyal, affectionate family pets, Borzoi aren’t the type of dogs to do a lot of roughhousing with children—they’re a bit too dignified for that. They can often be reserved with strangers but affectionate with their family and people they know well. Because of their strong prey drive and instincts to hunt and chase, Borzoi dogs may not always do well entering a home with other pets; ideally, they should be introduced to other animals in the home when they are puppies. Owning a Borzoi typically requires plenty of patience, consistency, and a little bit of humor. In some ways, these dogs are catlike, as they can be both quiet and stubborn. When it comes to training, the Borzoi may be intelligent, gentle, and well-mannered, but they are also independent (so training may be somewhat of a challenge). They are likely to become easily bored with repetitive and seemingly pointless activity—and like other sighthounds, they are very sensitive to harsh treatment. This means that your Borzoi will not be able to cope with raised voices or any form of punishment-based training. Early socialization and positive reinforcement training are key.
