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"Sissy Spacek ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Sissy Spacek เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ISFP ใน mbti, 9w1 - sp/sx - 974 ใน Enneagram, SCUAN ใน Big 5, ใน Socionics"

She's so sooo sweet. Watching her interviews is the best, the way she talks and expresses herself is so insteresting and satisfying to watch... She's definetly a Fi dom, but she uses more Se/Ni than Ne/Si. On this interview youtube.com/watch?v=N8FwqzKnrg4 (1:13), she talks about how experience is important, how dive in real life is important to have the substance/reference. That definetly strikes as Fi-Se to me. Some other examples from the same interview: "If you are always living up here and not living a human regular everyday life like everybody else, you don't have anything to draw from, you can't recognize yourself". (1:26) "From the beginning i had more than i derseved, so i thought if all ends now i did badly, i have that, i always have that". (2:32) "I kinda think the mind is the builder of the universe so if you just hold steady and just carry on the things that are supposed to happen will happen. And if they don't, well... Hell". (2:47)


Mary Elizabeth "Sissy" Spacek (born December 25, 1949) is an American actress and singer. She is the recipient of various accolades including an Academy Award, three Golden Globe Awards, two Critics' Choice Movie Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award and nominations for four BAFTA Awards, three Primetime Emmy Awards, a Grammy Award.

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