1. ผู้คนและตัวละคร
  2. วรรณกรรม
  3. Captain Underpants (Series)

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Harold Hutchins ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Harold Hutchins เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ENFP ใน mbti, 6w7 - so/sp - ใน Enneagram, SCUAI ใน Big 5, ใน Socionics"

I love him so much I think he's ENFP, he has lots of Ne to come up with drawings and pranks with George. also, when he's stressed in the book with the giant toilet thing, he studied all night and tried so hard to pass his test. He works hard for what he loves and what he believes in (Fi).


Harold Sherman Hutchins is clever, witty, curious, and a good drawer. He is a 10-year-old boy who lives with his mom and sister at 1520 Vine Street in Piqua, Ohio, where he and his best friend, George Beard, attend fifth grade (currently) together at Jerome Horwitz Elementary School. Dubbed as "the boy on the right with the T-shirt and the bad haircut", he is the secondary protagonist of the Captain Underpants series. He is voiced by Thomas Middleditch in the film Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie and Jay Gragnani in the T.V. Series.

วรรณกรรม อักขระคล้ายกับ Harold Hutchins
