1. ผู้คนและตัวละคร
  2. วัฒนธรรมป๊อป
  3. Film Directors

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"George Miller ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด George Miller เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ENTP ใน mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - ใน Enneagram, ใน Big 5, ILE ใน Socionics"

I understand the 7 votes, though after doing a paper for a psych class just minutes ago, the predominance of the 5 and 4 were unavoidable. Miller was devoted to ripping science a part at the seams. He was looking to make advancements in any and ways possible soley to push behaviorism out of the mainstream. Can't really tell if sx/so or vice versa but you get the gist.


George Miller AO (born 3 March 1945) is an Australian-Greek filmmaker and former physician. He is best known for his Mad Max franchise, with The Road Warrior and Fury Road being hailed as amongst the greatest action films of all time. Aside from the Mad Max films, Miller has been involved in a wide range of projects. In 2006, Miller won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature for Happy Feet (2006). He has been nominated for five other Academy Awards: Best Original Screenplay in 1992 for Lorenzo's Oil, Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay in 1995 for Babe, and Best Picture and Best Director for Fury Road in 2015.

วัฒนธรรมป๊อป คนดังคล้ายกับ George Miller
