1. ผู้คนและตัวละคร
  2. โทรทัศน์
  3. Boy Meets World (1993)

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Eric Matthews ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Eric Matthews เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ENFP ใน mbti, 7w6 - sx/so - 739 ใน Enneagram, SLUAI ใน Big 5, IEE ใน Socionics"

ENFP -- Ne - led by the novelty and potential of his ideas, even before his character changed mid-way through the series. he gets himself into trouble with things that *could* work: convincing Feeney to get him into Yale because there's a slight chance he *could*, getting scammed by a magazine company because he think he *could* win a million dollars, etc. because there is always a possibility -- even the slightest -- that things could work out, nothing is off-limits to him. this also contributes to his wacky and zany behavior. he's not confined by logical inconsistencies (Ti) in what he's saying, nor is he concerned about how he presents to others (in the Fe sense, not Te sense. more on this later) this leads me to... Fi - he simply lets his heart sing. there's no filter LMAO it's truly astonishing. he's like, hey, i want to do this thing because i want to. i don't need any other reason. (Shawn, who is an ISFP, also operates this way, but even more so because he's led by Fi) Te - this is a little crazy, i know. but he does have a *little* Te. throughout the series he treats a lot of things as "goals" he wants to accomplish. mainly his dating life. idk if anybody else remembers that episode with rebecca-alexa lmao. he had very little disregard for her feelings, and was only concerned for her feelings when she became unattainable to him by running away and leaving him stranded at the subway. another example is when cory and eric are forced to throw a surprise anniversary party for their parents because eric slipped out that there was gonna be a party. he continued on with the rave anyway, with the "goal" of being That Senior Boy who pulled off that great party. so, he doesn't have Te in the stereotypical E/IXTJ sense, but it serves his Ne. also, he does want to appear competent to people, especially in the beginning of the series. even though he's wacky and zany, he still wants to prove that he's not dumb from time to time. but of course, he prioritizes Ne and fun more because he's an Ne dom and a 7w6 <3 Si - honestly, his inferior Si is more so to do with the sitcom format. sitcom episodes are not serial, so each episode is basically just a "reset" where characters don't evolve from the preceding one. this was commonplace in sitcom writing for a long time because it keeps characters in their little boxes (boxes like the dumb one, the quirky one, etc), which in turn was intended to optimize comedic potential in each character. that's all i got. sorry i didn't have a better bullet point for Si or Fi :)


Eric Randall Matthews (portrayed by Will Friedle) is the elder brother of Cory, Morgan, and Joshua Matthews. He began the show as a suave, popular young man, who constantly went out on dates. He was originally portrayed as the stereotypical elder brother. Eric's character changed mid-series from preppy elder brother to "crazy, moronic brother".

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