1. ผู้คนและตัวละคร
  2. วรรณกรรม
  3. Millennium (Series)

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Lisbeth Salander ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Lisbeth Salander เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ISTP ใน mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 584 ใน Enneagram, RLUEN ใน Big 5, LSI ใน Socionics"

I have no clue where these INTJ votes are coming from. Ever since the first book, Lisbeth has been shown to have too strong of Se for it to be an inferior function (i.e. She's an impulsive girl that got into a lot of fights back when she was a kid, had no problem using her fists or whatever she got her hands on as a weapon, is stated to be "promiscuous" and have no problem having sex with random people, etc.). She also was stated to be disorganized in the first book and doesn't seem like the type that plans things through sometimes (like when she went after Zalachenko). Finally, she also shows more Ti over Te in the way that she enjoys gaining information for her own sake rather than for a specific purpose (her love for computers or math formulas, for example). I'd say that she's a smart sensor. ISTP 5w6


วรรณกรรม อักขระคล้ายกับ Lisbeth Salander
