1. ผู้คนและตัวละคร
  2. วีดีโอเกมส์
  3. Persona 4

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI image


"Yukiko Amagi ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Yukiko Amagi เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ISFJ ใน mbti, 9w1 - sp/so - 962 ใน Enneagram, RCOAN ใน Big 5, SEI ใน Socionics"

Kanji VS Yukiko is a good representation of Fi vs Fe for Yukiko. While Kanji does hide his interests and certain feelings from others, he overcompensates by creating his persona (if you will) of the tough biker guy. While some of that persona is true, it is over exaggerated to compensate for his hidden hobbies. Yukiko, for a while, compensates by hiding how she truly feels though suppression and denial rather than creating an identity. She doesn’t over exaggerate a persona, she instead suppresses her feeling because she doesn’t know how to compensate for others and do what she wants to do. Yukiko decides that other’s feelings are more important than her own when it comes to her facade. Kanji does the opposite and values his own feelings over others’ when creating a fake identity. Basically, Kanji hides his inner feelings by creating and over exaggerated persona, while Yukiko hides her feeling by pretending they don't exist. Kanji’s Fi presents a much more active role in creating an identity to hide and suppress, while Yukiko’s Fe shows to be a more subtle suppression. Therefore, Yukiko having dominant Fi would not work because she values others’ opinions and feelings over her own, at least in the beginning as her arc is about choosing her own path and such.



วีดีโอเกมส์ อักขระคล้ายกับ Yukiko Amagi
