{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Shiki Ryougi ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Shiki Ryougi เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ISTP ใน mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 584 ใน Enneagram, RCUEN ใน Big 5, LSI ใน Socionics"

As the previous comment put it, it's kind of complicated to have this character as only a single profile; it's a major plot point that they have multiple personalities, so which one do we type? Either way though, ISTP is a solid choice. The mixture of Ti-Se is very prevalent in both Shiki's decision making, and in how Shiki interacts with the world. EDIT: Decided to add a few things to this comment, since I just finished rewatching the series again. The female Shiki persona (who is the "primary" Shiki for most of the series, and probably the one this profile is trying to list) is most likely an ISTP. The comment below mine provided a half-decent argument for INTP, and I honestly think INTP is a possibility, but I'm doubtful. Her dominant Ti is absurdly obvious (the core of her personality is in how she has an extremely non-personalised, logical way of deducing her reactions to things and beliefs about others). However, I'd argue Se-Ni is a better fit for her aux and tertiary functions than Ne-Si; she's shown to be very attuned to her environment in almost all cases, being both heavily reactionary and only showing any form of enthusiasm when involved in an adrenaline-pumping situation (Se), while also having a deeply contemplative and personal side that relies on her past experience to judge her feelings about the present moment (Ni). While I sort of see Ne in her partial interest with more abstract matters, she has no distinguishable Si of any kind, and her Se is too strong to ignore. The male Shiki is seemingly different from the female Shiki in a few ways, but it's difficult to actually pinpoint the exacts. This becomes especially complicated when you consider that the female Shiki begins compensating with the male Shiki's personality traits past a certain point. One thing that I can say is that the male Shiki is shown in his first scene to be distinctly and obviously far more extroverted than the female Shiki; Kokutou's first response to Shiki's new extroverted nature was to outright question if it was the same person. The male Shiki also seemingly has much stronger Se (given how Shiki simply takes some pleasure in sensory experiences, while the male Shiki has a borderline philia for it). With this in mind, I'm going to say I think the male Shiki is an ESTP. The final version of Shiki, the "Void Shiki", is who I suspect to be an INTP. Strong Ti like the rest of the Shiki's, but with an extremely abstract and philosophical way of interacting with the world that I can only see as Ne. Especially since they are obviously an introvert, meaning that (assuming they do have Ne) they'd have to be an INxP of some kind. INTP is the best fit. So in total, Shiki's three personalities make up ISTP, ESTP, and INTP.


The protagonist of the series, she is a beautiful teenage girl who possesses the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception", a supernatural ability that allows her to see and bring into reality the inherent mortality of everything. She is peaceful and maiden-like in appearance, but fiercely determined, ruthless, and aggressive in manner. Shiki originally had both a male and female personality due to her family, the Ryougi clan, manifesting strange Psychic Powers. However, after recovering from a traumatic accident, Shiki discovers that she can no longer feel her male personality's presence, and she has an uncomfortable detachment from her memories before the accident as well. While she knows she is Shiki Ryougi, she does not feel like she is. In the hopes of regaining her former sense of self, she puts on a cold façade that is somewhere between the thoughtful, quiet nature of the female persona and the blunt, dissolute male persona.

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