{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Kokoro ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Kokoro เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ INFP ใน mbti, 9w1 - sx/so - 926 ใน Enneagram, RCUAI ใน Big 5, SEI ใน Socionics"

A pretty solid example of an INFP. It's clear that we all see her FI usage. As she lives based on her values and what she perceives to be the right thing. Even if that means hurting others like Futoshi. Kokoro follows her values to a tee. We can really see her NE come out when she breaks away from her childhood indoctrination to "papa" as she actively goes against his rules. She does this by studying books that are forbidden. The same books examined Marriage, having babies and other "bad" and forbidden ideas. Her innate curiosity to study subjects she knows nothing about got so intense that she wanted to test out the theories she was presented with such as having a child. Not to mention the other "extreme" idea of leaving your mark on the world. (Keep in mind in their world most humans no longer have reproductive organs or spend time with each other (if you recall the old lady in the city with her "partner") So the idea of marriage and having a baby is extreme in their society. To act upon them and to share that information with others is NE incarnate! It's so obvious it hurts. Secondly, her NE function usage got her and Mitsuru's minds wiped since they became threats to "papa's" control. As for SI and TE, we can see them within certain contexts. Kokoro tends to rely on TE when she gets stressed and tends to snap at others as an effective way to end a conflict or pretends to avoid it as a secondary measure. Her SI, however, is a little harder to locate. I guess we can see it within her structure and ability to focus on details when it comes to information that aligns with her values FI-SI. Overall, she's a solid example of an INFP


#SaoriHayami Kokoro (ココロ, Kokoro) is one of the main characters in DARLING in the FRANXX. She is a former Parasite with the codename "556" of the Thirteenth Plantation, where she was partnered in boy-girl pair with Mitsuru to pilot a FRANXX called Genista and she was previously partnered with Futoshi. Kokoro is a very kind girl who has a gentle and optimistic personality to match and she is interested in plants and she is very knowledgeable in the "language of flowers". She doesn't speak too often, choosing to think before speaking and thinks about others more than herself.

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