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{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI

{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI image


"Isa (STAYC) ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Isa (STAYC) เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ ESFJ ใน mbti, 2w3 - so/sp - 297 ใน Enneagram, SCOAI ใน Big 5, SEI ใน Socionics"

EDIT: ive changed my opinion disregard this lol i think people mass voted isa as a 2 because she’s likes helping people. which isn’t an indication of her being a core 2.. but its probably in her tritype. please keep in mind that enneagram 2’s will give to get something in return, for example if isa helped sumin, she would expect sumin to do something for her. but i don’t think isa does this, from what we know about her. and also how on earth is she typed as a social 2? if she was a 2 she’s probably be a self preservation 2. i think isa is a 9. 9’s can also want to be helpful to people hence the Generosity Trait. (good-natured, kind, helpful, forgiving, take themselves lightly to not weigh upon others, good listener, sympathetic). sub type wise i believe she’s a social 9, so/sp is my main choice at the moment.


Lee Chae-young (이채영), better known as Isa, is a South Korean singer under High Up Entertainment. She is a member of the girl group STAYC.

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