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{{ชื่อ}} ประเภทบุคลิกภาพ MBTI


"Tobias Jens Forge ประเภทบุคลิกภาพประเภทใด Tobias Jens Forge เป็นประเภทบุคลิกภาพ INFJ ใน mbti, 5w6 - so/sx - 548 ใน Enneagram, SCOAI ใน Big 5, ใน Socionics"

His single-minded concentration on a specific aesthetic and style are quite typical of an IxxJ. If I were typing Ghost I would certainly say they give off an INFJ vibe. However, hearing him discuss his style of composition and beliefs he comes across as much more of an Ne type.


Tobias Forge ([tʊˈbiːɑs ˈfɔrgɛ], too-BEE-us FOR-geh, born 3 March 1981) is a Swedish singer, musician and songwriter. He is the leader of the masked rock band Ghost, performing live as their vocalist under the stage names Papa Emeritus and Cardinal Copia. His identity as the Ghost frontman was only confirmed in 2017, following a lawsuit by former members of the band. Prior to finding success in Ghost, Forge was in several other bands including Repugnant and Crashdïet under the name Mary Goore.

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